Happy New Year, friends! May you experience many blessings from ABOVE in 2023.
As I’m preparing to hit the send button for this blog, I’m looking at fluttering snowflakes from my Colorado kitchen window. And what better time to feature one of my special author friends, eMarie (Erma Ullrey) than today, as she provides the story behind the story for her well-loved children’s picture book, A Snowflake’s Adventure. I’d like to welcome my first guest for my first blog in 2023. Welcome, Erma!
Five years ago, after my husband Bert’s stage 4 cancer diagnosis, I maintained a stoic front. Inwardly, I believed God and took Him at His word. But in my quiet moments I felt and acted more like Jacob. I didn’t have a wrestling match with the Lord, but an intense spiritual battle had begun. Especially after I’d looked up the statistical prognosis regarding Bert’s disease. “Hopeless” fit the percentage. The doctors had told us as much. But faith said that number was unacceptable.
The Lord invites us in Hebrews to come and reason with Him .
I came, but I was beyond reason. I cried out to Him asking, wanting, needing something personal from Him. Something to show me that even though I didn’t see it, He was still working, still moving on our behalf. That He cared about what was happening to Bert. To me. To our four children, to their spouses, and to our grandchildren. That every promise in His word was still true, still ours. Jehovah was still faithful, able, and in control of every aspect of our lives.
I pictured the crossroads in Sacramento, CA, where I first became a believer at age 19. I reminded the Lord how He had shown me His many promises throughout all generations. He’d shown Himself to be Emmanuel–God with us. I recited His miracles and His gracious healing hand. His might and power. I prayed, Show me again, Lord.
I got in the car to go to lunch with a group of Bible study friends. As I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, I again asked God to let me know He was with us. With me.
Beyond frustrated with this unanswered prayer, I walked up to the restaurant, and exhaled a deep breath. That’s when it hit me.
God had answered my prayer through that simple act. Genesis 2:7 says “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…”
Every breath was, is, and always will be proof of God’s existence and love. I had the “something special” I’d requested all along.
My wrestling ended there and then. The Lord had given me the proof I’d asked for.
That afternoon, in an effort to capture what God showed me, I penned the first words to A Snowflake’s Adventure.
…five years later, my husband is living with cancer and doing well.
A Snowflake’s Adventure is a story of God’s personal love. To my husband. To me. To every child He’s ever created. Unique. Purposeful. We are His one-of-a-kind design. Each. And. Every. One.
God Bless you.
Erma’s Bio: eMarie is a follower of Jesus Christ and an award-winning author who is married to her college sweetheart. They have four wonderful children, three outlaws, and four precious grandchildren. A previous childbirth educator and lactation consultant, Erma keeps chickens and enjoys writing, teaching Bible studies, and chatting with friends on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Check out her website at: https://www.merryheartlink.com. If you sign up for her blogs, I promise you will not be disappointed. I look forward to each one!
From Becky: As a side note, I have my own copy of A Snowflake’s Adventure. My grandchildren love it! Here is the purchase link: https://amzn.to/3WyBGGx
To make a comment, open in your browser and scroll down. I reply to all comments. If you think a friend might enjoy reading this, please feel free to forward!
Kathy McKinsey
Erma, I’ve heard you tell this before, but this time I felt a special touch to my heart of God’s faithfulness. Thank you.
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Kathy, for stopping by. Erma’s words have reminded me of God’s faithfulness as well.
Jacki Ford
Erma, thank you for sharing your story. God is so faithful and can handle our fears and confusion when we are in the midst of the storm. I look back a year ago tomorrow when my husband had a heart attack. Leaning on the ONE who loves us most is the only answer. HE is our Rock. God bless you, Jacki
Jacki Ford
Erma, thank you for sharing your story. It gives an anchor for others as they experience their own stories. God is so faithful and can handle our fears and confusion when we are in the midst of the storm. I look back a year ago tomorrow when my husband had a heart attack. Leaning on the ONE who loves us most is the only answer. HE is our Rock. God bless you, Jacki
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Jacki, sharing your thoughts. I love Erma’s story as well. You’re right, leaning on Jesus is the only answer.
Gwen Gage
I love how God answered you. Isn’t it like Him to communicate so simply yet so profoundly. What a touching story! Thanks for sharing.
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Gwen, for your encouragement. Erma’s story is truly touching.
Sherry Renee Shindelar
Erma, Thank you for sharing your faith struggle and for your reminder that God is with us in every breath we take. He will never leave us or forsake us! I love A Snowflake’s Adventure. I gave a copy to my grandchildren.
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Sherry, for stopping by. I’m so thankful God will never leave us nor forsake us.
Patti Shene
Erma, I have always enjoyed this story, A Snowflake’s Adventure. I think it is such a wonderful story that shows children the love of God and each person’s uniqueness. What a blessing that God laid such peace on your heart and birthed a creative desire in you through such a difficult time of distress.
Becky, thank you for hosting Erma today, and allowing her to share her story.
Best of blessings to both of you and your families throughout 2023!
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Patti, for stopping by. You are always such an encourager. Many blessings throughout 2023 to you as well!
An encouraging word for people who are feeling hopeless. Thank you for sharing, Erma!
Becky Van Vleet
Shannon, thank you for stopping by. Erma’s blog is truly encouraging.
What a beautiful encouraging story. Reading this blessed my day. Thank you so much for sharing.! God is so faithful and good.
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Teresa, for stopping by. Erma’s testimony has truly blessed me as well.
Becky Van Vleet
Erma, as always, your words are encouraging. God is always with us, no matter what, and I truly believe it’s our faith that can carry us through the most difficult trials. Thank you for sharing with all of us!
It is always so inspiring to learn the story behind the story! What an encouragement to know the Lord is always working in our lives. Thank you for sharing Erma’s story!
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Anne, for stopping by. I agree with you–I always enjoy the story behind the story which brings even more meaning to our writing endeavors.
Hi Becky,
Thank you so much for hosting my blog – Breathing Life Into A Children’s Story. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this story with your readers and you. Our God is soo good, so worthy of praise, and I pray today this post is an encouragement to everyone going through a difficult situation. God is always with us, even when we don’t feel Him!
Blessings, love, and prayers, and Happy 2023!!!
eMarie 🙂