Can You Imagine a Handshake with President Lincoln?
I have the deepest respect and admiration for Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth president, many of whom say he is the most important president in American history. Even before he abolished slavery and reunited America, Lincoln was an upright, honest, hard-working man who believed in freedom for everyone. I wonder what it would have been like to shake his hand, talk to him, ask him questions. I’d give my last dime to thank him for serving our country during such a tumultuous period.
A high school friend, Betsy Laslie, shared a fascinating story with me, a connection she has to this great president. Betsy, like me, loves family stories. In fact, she has meticulously saved family letters and keepsakes through the years. Not only her own and her husband’s, but from other relatives, particularly her mother’s. And she goes so far as to donate various items to historical societies. Betsy told me one time she ought to have been an archivist, and her home could probably serve as a museum! Here is her story.
I have several Civil War documents from four of my great-great grandfathers. My great-great grandfather, Frederick William Kassebaum, suffered a saber wound to his shoulder and was thrown from his horse at Poolesville, Maryland on September 8, 1862, on his way to Antietam. My mother, the Civil War historian in the family, always said we were lucky my great-great grandfather was wounded there, for so many were killed at Antietam. He was hospitalized, and while there, he shook hands with Abraham Lincoln. Although the exact words between the two were not recorded, I can imagine President Lincoln probably asked my great-great grandfather about his injury and no doubt thanked him for his service with that handshake. This story was passed down through the next four generations and landed with me. I will continue to pass it on.
Along with some Haviland china and other furniture from my great-great grandfather, I have his rocker in my home today. When I sit in this family heirloom, I look at his photograph and Civil War roster hanging on my wall. I try to imagine what memories my great-great grandfather might have revisited when he rocked in it. Did he think about that handshake from President Lincoln? Did he remember looking into his eyes? Did he think about the battles he fought in and the divisions his country faced? Undoubtedly, he probably had no idea he played a significant role in our country’s history. I wish I could have talked with him.
The rocker is still good and in its original shape. My mother was eight years old when her great-grandfather died. But she remembered sitting in the rocker with him, and by the end of her life, she’d held her great-grandchildren, all born in the 21st century. The link to President Lincoln is somehow closer in time than one would think.
I treasure this beautiful rocker beyond words—a connection to my family tree, through my great-great grandfather. It provides a sense of nostalgia, and even a connection to Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents who ever lived.
From Becky: Open in your browser and scroll down to make a comment. I reply to all comments. As always, feel free to forward to a friend. Be sure to let me know if you have a family story to contribute!
Audrey Shrive
Oh man do I love this story! Family legacy, heirlooms and history are so special!!
Becky Van Vleet
Thank you, Audrey, for stopping by. I agree with you. Our family histories are special and need to be preserved.
Rachel McLauchlin
Oh my goodness, what a great story. How adorable is her great great nephew??!!
Becky Van Vleet
Hi Rachel! Yes, oh goodness, it really is a great story. And I hope Betsy can keep passing it down to the generations after her.
Tim Eichenbrenner
Great story, Becky! We need a President Lincoln today!
Becky Van Vleet
I agree, Tim. No doubt he’d do amazing things for our country if we could have him with us today. Thanks for stopping by!
Jean Alfieri
What an inspiring story. At the risk of sounding political – they don’t make Presidents like they used to!
Becky Van Vleet
I agree, Jean. If only we could have a president like him today. I can only imagine his inspiring and authentic leadership he would provide. Thanks for stopping by!
Patti Shene
Wow, what an amazing story, to have a connection with someone who can relate the story of a relative who shook hands with such an iconic figure in American history! Thank you for sharing!
Becky Van Vleet
I agree, Patti. It is an amazing story. And one Betsy can continue to pass down. Abraham Lincoln surely was an iconic figure who played such a significant role in our history. Thanks for stopping by!