(For the best experience, open in your browser, and scroll down to leave a comment.) I'd like to welcome guest blogger, Valerie Goree, author of Shadows of Time. I love what she has to say about …
What Is Sweeter Than Candy or Chocolate?
When I was a young mother with four young daughters at home, I was forever trying to come up with ideas to preserve memories, especially when it came to the holidays. Keep in mind, there was no …
Every Penny Counts
Every Penny Counts As a young girl, I remember my mother kept a stash of coin wrappers handy when we would accumulate a good number of coins, especially pennies. At the time, I never realized I was …
Tell Your Stories!
Would you like to build deeper relationships with your children, grandchildren, teenagers, or any other special children in your life? Then …
Tenny, the Traveling Mouse
Do you have any family keepsakes that have turned into a game for children? My husband and I have such a thing for our grandchildren! I was fortunate enough to have in-laws who enjoyed making crafts …
When most of us hear these three words, we think of the Rice Krispies cereal, right? For me, however, these three words take me back more than 50 years ago to my grandparents’ back porch. As a young …