What's In Your Purse? For the best experience, open in your browser and scroll down to leave a comment. (Okay men, keep reading or forward to your wife, mother, girlfriend, grandmother, …
What in the World Is That?
(For the best experience, open in your browser, scroll down to leave a comment.) I have been blessed to have this beautiful “thing” in the corner of my dining room for a number of years …
What Is Sweeter Than Candy or Chocolate?
When I was a young mother with four young daughters at home, I was forever trying to come up with ideas to preserve memories, especially when it came to the holidays. Keep in mind, there was no …
Breathing Life into a Children’s Story by eMarie
Happy New Year, friends! May you experience many blessings from ABOVE in 2023. As I'm preparing to hit the send button for this blog, I'm looking at fluttering snowflakes from my Colorado kitchen …
One Big Gift
With close to seventy Christmases behind me, I have many memories of this special holiday that have been set aside to celebrate the birth of our Savior. My parents, from the Greatest Generation, …
What Rhymes with Gratitude?
We started a Thanksgiving tradition in our home more than forty years ago for each person around the table to share something they were thankful for. In more recent years, I have asked our …
Do I Need My Vision Checked?
Do I need my vision checked? Am I seeing double? Wait a minute, I think I’m seeing quintuple! Oh, the days of look-alike dresses. I have sweet memories of my mother and sisters wearing our look-alike …
Real Life Memories Sneak into My Fiction Novels
I'd like to welcome my online author friend, Christina Sinisi. Christina's latest novel, Why They Call It Falling, is one you won't want to miss. A romantic story filled with drama, Justin and Emma …
Do You Have a Favorite Blanket?
Do You Have a Favorite Blanket? Through the years I’ve had blankets, quilts, Afghans, and throws galore. And many have been special. Some have traveled around with me from house to house, room to …
Are You Off Your Rocker?
Are You Off Your Rocker? Well, no, I’m not really off my rocker. I’m sitting on a very special traveling rocker as I write this. My rocker has …