I’d like to welcome guest blogger, Jill Chapman, one of my author friends. Jill loves to tell stories about her life experiences. And this is one of them. Enjoy!
Do Angels Wear Suits?
One of my favorite stories involves my mom, one of my aunts, and my brother. Mom would tell the story while my brother would add his memories of their eventful drive. We would always laugh. Looking back on it now, I marvel we found this story humorous.
Mom (who was almost eight months pregnant with me), Aunt Sandy, and my three-year-old brother, Jed, were returning from a visit with my uncle at his new out-of-town job. They were traveling in a new red 1960 Corvair when a sudden rainstorm forced them to pull to the side of the road. The compact car ended up in a ditch with water rushing around it.
While the ladies in the front seat frantically tried to decide what to do, my brother began saying, “Mom” over and over. They were wondering if they could open the doors and get out safely. After a minute, Mom says she turned to see Jed with his feet pulled up in the seat looking at the floorboard below him.
“Mom, I don’t want to scare you, but there’s water back here,” he told her in a matter-of-fact voice. Understatement number one.
The two ladies became frantic. Then they noticed a young man up on the road motioning to them.
“Do you need some help?” he asked her. Classic understatement number two.
“Yes! Please!”
He waved behind him and three more young men, all of them in nice suits, waded into the ditch. They lifted and then pushed the small car back up onto the road. Their suits drenched. Mom always said she wondered what their girlfriends or parents said when those young men showed up in dripping and muddy suits.
The young men got back in their car and drove away. Thankfully, my mom, aunt, and brother were all unharmed and able to drive home with only wet carpet in the back of the Corvair.
Now when I hear the story, there’s a part of me that wonders if it was an encounter with angels. I know it was a small car, but to lift and then push it back on the road in a ditch filled with rushing water? They didn’t have on white suits. Do angels wear suits? They may have been nice young men who intervened to help two ladies and a young boy. Either way, my heart fills with thankful thoughts.
Jill Chapman’s bio:
Jill lives in Southern Indiana with her husband of forty-four years. They enjoy their country lifestyle and visits with their children and grandchildren. She writes for her own blog, Quips from My Quill, while also guest blogging. Her books for children are filled with family friendly adventures. Her interest in books began in her childhood, where reading provided a wonderful outlet for her wild imagination. She loves to tell stories about her life experiences with humor mixed in to convey the sense of adventure she feels every day. Jill says her life is like a good plate of nachos, a tiny kick of spice, and a whole lotta cheese.
Jill has written two adventure books in a series for middle schoolers which are action-packed with excellent reviews. Bomb Squad off the Grid is book two in the series. Now available on Amazon. Check out the free preview. (As a side note, I have both books in my Amazon cart for my grandsons!)
Whether humans or angels, this is a great story of kindness.